by katy | Feb 25, 2022 | Newsletter
Hi Everyone! Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything seems to be going wrong? That was my week last week. It started with a trip to the emergency when my hubby accidentally mangled the top of his finger in the mulcher. There was so much blood we really...
by katy | Feb 18, 2022 | Newsletter
Hi Everyone! Thank you all so much for your birthday messages. I really felt the love from all of you. I had a wonderful birthday last week. I was blessed to be able to spend the day with my adult children who went out of their way to make the day special, and I loved...
by katy | Feb 12, 2022 | Newsletter
Hi Everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day for tomorrow 💖 Ooh, I love Valentine’s Day and of course, my birthday being on the same day almost guarantees I will get a gift. People often ask me if I get Valentine’s gift as well as a birthday gift. My reply always is that I am...
by katy | Feb 5, 2022 | Newsletter
Hi Everyone! February is my birthday month and to celebrate my birthday we have lots of amazing offers for you! For this month only, we will be giving away a crystal heart with every order of the Modern Oracle deck and the Modern Oracle of Essential Oils deck. In last...
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