Shipping Information
A little extra information regarding our shipping procedures.
Orders made through our website are shipped using Australia Post. When your order has been processed, you will receive an email from our site confirming that your order has been completed.

For domestic parcels, Australia Post’s flat rate is determined by size. As long as all items fit in the parcel and weigh under 5kgs they will post at the simple postage rate. If you are looking at gifting decks or items in our shop to friends and family, or want to share postage with a friend, we recommend purchasing them together to save on postage. (For your information, a deck weighs 250 grams)
International Economy Air – a cost-effective method for international delivery. Parcels sent via this service are up to 2kg. International Economy is an untracked service.
If you would like tracking on your order, we recommend you select International Standard Post. Tracking including email notifications is included in this service and the estimated delivery time is faster.
Most international orders are expected to arrive within 2-3 weeks. Please be aware there may be issues occurring in the postage system which may cause any delay (ie. postal strikes, busy periods).
In the case of any returned or lost parcels, these will be looked into on a case by case to determine if replacement or repostage is warranted.
Please make sure all shipping information you provide is correct, we are not responsible for the replacement or repostage of orders sent to an address that is incorrect.